In a time when the world was young, a grand feast was announced in the animal kingdom. Every creature, big or small, was invited. Anansi, being the crafty spider he was, saw an opportunity to enjoy the feast without lifting a finger.

He approached each of the animals with a different story. To the lion, he said, “I heard the zebras are preparing the juiciest part of the meal!” To the zebras, he commented, “The lions are contributing the finest fruits, but they may need help carrying them.”

In this manner, Anansi slyly suggested to each animal that another group was preparing something special, hinting that they should outdo the others.

The day of the feast arrived, and indeed, it was grander than anyone could have imagined. Every animal had brought their finest food, eager to outshine the others. There was a mountain of delicious dishes, fruits, and desserts of every kind.

Anansi was ecstatic. He hadn’t brought anything but was feasting like a king. However, Tortoise, who had been observing Anansi’s schemes, decided it was time for a lesson.

Clearing his throat, Tortoise stood and said, “Let’s play a game! Before we eat, we should each share the story of how our dish was made.”

One by one, the animals shared their tales of hard work, cooperation, and creativity. The stories made the food even more delightful, knowing the love and effort that had gone into each dish.

Finally, it was Anansi’s turn. He stuttered and stammered, searching for words. Everyone waited, but Anansi had no story to tell, for he had brought nothing to the feast.

The animals were disappointed, realizing Anansi’s trickery. Though they didn’t deny him food, they made sure he understood the value of hard work and contribution.

Moral of the story: “It’s not just the feast, but the effort and story behind it that brings true joy. Never undervalue the hard work of others, and always bring your share to the table.”

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