In a time when Earth was young, the birds of the sky had a secret that none other knew—they had the most beautiful song, a melody that could bring about peace, joy, and harmony. This song was sung only once every year, at the Grand Avian Assembly, a spectacle no other creature had ever witnessed.

Anansi, the cunning spider, had always wished to hear this famed song. But, being no bird, he was never allowed. So, he devised a plan. Spinning a cloak of delicate feathers from his web, Anansi disguised himself as a bird and infiltrated the Grand Avian Assembly.

The birds began their ethereal song, their voices intertwining into a heavenly harmony. As the final notes rang out, Anansi, overwhelmed by its beauty, let out an inadvertent cry of admiration. The birds, immediately recognizing the intruder in their midst, were furious.

“Why have you deceived us, Anansi?” chirped the king of birds, a majestic eagle.

Overwhelmed with guilt, Anansi confessed, “I wished to hear your magnificent song, a melody that I knew would be the most beautiful sound on Earth.”

The king of birds, after consulting with the other avians, proclaimed, “Anansi, for your deception, you are banned from ever attending our assemblies. But, recognizing the earnestness in your heart, every bird will sing for you at the dawn of each new day.”

From that day on, every morning, the birds would sing their melodious tunes, filling the air with their enchanting notes for all to hear, including Anansi.

Moral: Honesty and genuine admiration can sometimes bring unexpected rewards, but deceit comes at a price.

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