Kweku Ananse, known as the Spider Man, is the offspring of the supreme sky deity N’yame and the goddess of fertility, Asase Ya. His wife, Aso, is often depicted as a steadfast partner enduring Anansi’s various schemes. In many tales, particularly those from Jamaica, she is also called Cookie, and they are sometimes parents to daughters. This portrayal includes seven of their children.
Aso, with her African name, is the quintessential homemaker and mother, frequently involved in Anansi’s adventures and known for her patience. She balances her household responsibilities with occasional escapades alongside Anansi.
Their youngest son, Intikuma, also referred to as Takooma or Bro’ Takooma in Jamaican lore, is depicted here as a 12-year-old Spider Boy. In some stories, Takooma is presented as an independent man, not directly linked to Anansi.
The other six children of Anansi and Aso are recognized for their unique talents. Akaki has the ability to foresee trouble. Toto Abuo excels as a stone thrower. Twa Akwan is skilled in road building. Hwe Nsuo can dry up rivers. Adwafo is adept at skinning game, and Da Yi Ya possesses the unique ability to lay on the ground like a cushion. Each child’s name is a reflection of their special ability.